Handmade Gardening

Two good friends, in two different circles, must have been thinking alike because they both gave me the most thoughtful gifts! I feel that giving & receiving something handmade; especially on a friendship level is something very special.  I can count the number of handmade items I have received as gifts (and I still have them all).   Both friends brought tears to my eyes when I opened their handmade aprons last month!   

First I received a handmade apron for my Wooden Bee business and then these two beautiful aprons for my garden followed. Two matching aprons, one for myself and one for my oldest little gardener…  

We have used them for a month now. We have wiped dirt and water on them. We have danced around the garden as fairies in them. We have used the pockets for toys, seeds, and cell phones.  I had never thought of using a gardening apron before now. It is so handy and easy. It keeps my clothes a little cleaner when I run out to the garden for short work or harvest. I even used it to carry heads of lettuce from the garden to the kitchen sink last night.

What awesome gifts! Thank you Cara & Anna! I am forever touched by your time, your craft and your love!

Little gardener harvesting a head of lettuce for dinner.

Happy Gardening Friends!

One thought on “Handmade Gardening

  1. Now that brings many memories. Handmade aprons.

    Flour and chicken feed were packaged in cloth sacks. Grand mother spent a great deal of time picking out the ‘right’ bag of flour or chick feed as it would later be used to make an apron or a shirt for someone.

    An apron kept her dress clean, it was used to dry her wet hands, wiped a kids runny nose. It could be used as a pot holder to move a hot pan off a stoves burner or used like a basket to carry eggs from the hen house or fresh vegetables from the garden to kitchen sink.

    I miss not to see an apron hanging neatly on a nail in the kitchen.

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