Crafting with Kids: Bird Feeders from TP rolls

TPfeeder5Simple Bird Feeder from Toilet Paper Rolls

What you need:TPfeeder1

Toilet paper rolls, peanut butter, bird seed, and string or ribbon.

What to do:


Spread the peanut butter on the toilet paper rolls.

Roll the toilet paper rolls in bird seed.

Tie together with string or ribbon (We used jute).



We hung our bird feeder on the magnolia tree in the back yard. We are planning on bird watching in the morning before breakfast.

TPfeeder9 TPfeeder10

TPfeeder8Even the dog liked our recycled feeder! 😉

5 thoughts on “Crafting with Kids: Bird Feeders from TP rolls

  1. That is TOO cute! I’m gonna see if Lil’ Guy wants to make some of those tomorrow. We have several types of birds nesting nearby. Thanks!

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